We donate 1% of our profits to local social organisations. We speak to each of our partner organisations to find out more about the most common challenges faced by volunteers. Take a look at who we support and if you know an organisation that would be right for our list, be sure to get in touch and let us know.
Education is the best form of prevention: this is the approach taken by Dunkelziffer e.V. in its efforts to help schools tackle the topic of sexual violence against minors. To reinforce the impact of its work, the organisation arranges training for professionals such as teachers and care providers. Dunkelziffer e.V. also helps children who have been victims of sexual abuse to process and ultimately overcome these traumatic experiences. We spoke to Jasmin at Dunkelziffer e.V. for more details. Additionally we created a limited social edition to raise awareness for their topic.
Donating to charitable projects is one of our core tenets. Sometimes, though, a donation is not always about giving money only. Kio e.V. is committed to increasing the number of people in Germany who sign up as organ donors, so that more patients on the organ donor list – especially children – can have a future of their own. Kio e.V. also provides social and financial support to families with children suffering from medical conditions, enabling them to get back to leading happier lives. Together we created a limited special design edition to raise awareness for their topic.
Love is love, whatever a person’s gender may be – which is why we support Coming Out Day e.V., an organisation based in Cologne that helps young gay people dealing with difficult situations due to their sexual orientation. Together we created a limited design edition to raise awareness for their topic.
The children who take part in the ‘Balu und Du’ programme may not go on any jungle adventures – unlike the characters of the same name in the Disney story – but they do get a mentor they can turn to when facing difficulties in their lives, just like Mowgli did. The mentor programme focuses on putting children of primary school age together with young adults aged between 18 and 30. The latter volunteer to spend a few hours with them each week. By doing things together, the aim is to help the children find out what they like, what their talents are and where their strengths lie, enabling them to build their self-confidence.
HIV is potentially fatal, and 10 people in Germany are infected with it every day. The aim of Sing 4 Life is to tackle this subject through the medium of music. This initiative has been collecting money for AIDS-Hilfe Hamburg e.V. since 2011. The funds are raised by putting on an annual benefit concert with a host of singers and performers.
For refugee women by refugee women: demonstrations, workshops, safe spaces and more – the women working at Women in Exile e.V. have used virtually every means at their disposal to help the plight of refugees in the past few years. At demonstrations, they demand the legal and accommodation situation to be improved for refugees, and help women in need at refugee camps and shelters. They also put on workshops to enable participants to gain some stability in their new lives in Germany. These workshops are a haven for women who have been actively prevented from integrating into society. We helped Women in Exile e.V. open its own safe space in Berlin, where women have the space they need to pursue their own projects.
Each day, the volunteers at Basis & Woge do what they can to stand up to discrimination and inequality in all its forms. They have different areas of focus, enabling refugees, victims of sexual abuse, the homeless, young people and other at-risk groups to turn to the Hamburg-based organisation for help in getting their lives back on track.
For a society to change its ways, it needs to be aware of the problem. The initiative Kein Bock auf Nazis (‘No tolerance for Nazis’) has been raising awareness of this issue day in, day out for many years now. It attends festivals and concerts, sells merchandise, gives out information, engages those interested in the cause and supports others – all in the name of the fight against extreme right-wing ideas and violence.
Life takes many twists and turns, and sometimes people can end up at a dead end. That’s when they need help to find a new direction to take. Palette has been helping all manner of people beat their addictions since 1989. Filling out paperwork and submitting applications might seem minor, but for some people they can be insurmountable obstacles that cause them to slide back into addiction. Thanks to Palette, addicts can rely on assistance from well-trained personnel as they clear the hurdles that stand in their way and find their feet again.
We donate 1% of our profits to local social organisations. We speak to each of our partner organisations to find out more about the most common challenges faced by volunteers. Take a look at who we support and if you know an organisation that would be right for our list, be sure to get in touch and let us know.
Education is the best form of prevention: this is the approach taken by Dunkelziffer e.V. in its efforts to help schools tackle the topic of sexual violence against minors. To reinforce the impact of its work, the organisation arranges training for professionals such as teachers and care providers. Dunkelziffer e.V. also helps children who have been victims of sexual abuse to process and ultimately overcome these traumatic experiences. We spoke to Jasmin at Dunkelziffer e.V. for more details. Additionally we created a limited social edition to raise awareness for their topic.
Donating to charitable projects is one of our core tenets. Sometimes, though, a donation is not always about giving money only. Kio e.V. is committed to increasing the number of people in Germany who sign up as organ donors, so that more patients on the organ donor list – especially children – can have a future of their own. Kio e.V. also provides social and financial support to families with children suffering from medical conditions, enabling them to get back to leading happier lives. Together we created a limited special design edition to raise awareness for their topic.
Love is love, whatever a person’s gender may be – which is why we support Coming Out Day e.V., an organisation based in Cologne that helps young gay people dealing with difficult situations due to their sexual orientation. Together we created a limited design edition to raise awareness for their topic.
The children who take part in the ‘Balu und Du’ programme may not go on any jungle adventures – unlike the characters of the same name in the Disney story – but they do get a mentor they can turn to when facing difficulties in their lives, just like Mowgli did. The mentor programme focuses on putting children of primary school age together with young adults aged between 18 and 30. The latter volunteer to spend a few hours with them each week. By doing things together, the aim is to help the children find out what they like, what their talents are and where their strengths lie, enabling them to build their self-confidence.
HIV is potentially fatal, and 10 people in Germany are infected with it every day. The aim of Sing 4 Life is to tackle this subject through the medium of music. This initiative has been collecting money for AIDS-Hilfe Hamburg e.V. since 2011. The funds are raised by putting on an annual benefit concert with a host of singers and performers.
For refugee women by refugee women: demonstrations, workshops, safe spaces and more – the women working at Women in Exile e.V. have used virtually every means at their disposal to help the plight of refugees in the past few years. At demonstrations, they demand the legal and accommodation situation to be improved for refugees, and help women in need at refugee camps and shelters. They also put on workshops to enable participants to gain some stability in their new lives in Germany. These workshops are a haven for women who have been actively prevented from integrating into society. We helped Women in Exile e.V. open its own safe space in Berlin, where women have the space they need to pursue their own projects.
Each day, the volunteers at Basis & Woge do what they can to stand up to discrimination and inequality in all its forms. They have different areas of focus, enabling refugees, victims of sexual abuse, the homeless, young people and other at-risk groups to turn to the Hamburg-based organisation for help in getting their lives back on track.
For a society to change its ways, it needs to be aware of the problem. The initiative Kein Bock auf Nazis (‘No tolerance for Nazis’) has been raising awareness of this issue day in, day out for many years now. It attends festivals and concerts, sells merchandise, gives out information, engages those interested in the cause and supports others – all in the name of the fight against extreme right-wing ideas and violence.
Life takes many twists and turns, and sometimes people can end up at a dead end. That’s when they need help to find a new direction to take. Palette has been helping all manner of people beat their addictions since 1989. Filling out paperwork and submitting applications might seem minor, but for some people they can be insurmountable obstacles that cause them to slide back into addiction. Thanks to Palette, addicts can rely on assistance from well-trained personnel as they clear the hurdles that stand in their way and find their feet again.